To all of our customers – if you are planning on buying a used vehicle please give us a call before agreeing to buy it. Most people and car lots will not mind you taking a vehicle to your mechanic for an inspection.
We will gladly give the vehicle a look over, at no charge, to help you decide if the vehicle is worth purchasing. This is not a safety inspection but a visual inspection and road test to see if there are any issues such as a major accident repair.
Just give us a call and we will arrange an appointment so you can wait while we have a look.
What are the rates for this service?
We do not charge for this service. It is not a safety but a general check of a vehicle to give an honest opinion of whether we feel the vehicle is worth purchasing and to get a rough idea of the condition it is in. We will take it for a short road test and then put it up on the hoist for a visual inspection. We do this so our customers do not get stuck with a vehicle that the seller wasn’t honest about.